Friday, November 12, 2004

First Week of the Second Semester…

i love you... shucks...

Excited. I was excited to start this sem. I have 5 courses to take: Psychology 150 (Personality), Anthro 185 (Intro. to Phil. Culture), STS, CommRes 180 (Management Comm..etc) and CommRes 200 (Thesis). I do have a pretty messed-up class schedule, but it’s ok. At least I get to spend more time in school and hang-out with friends.

Psych class was okay, saw a block mate I haven’t seen for so long because he shifted out. First day, I misplaced my wallet. I “mysteriously” lost it. (someone saw my wallet at the PHAN waiting shed?) Almost had to go through the tiring process of securing a new form 5 and ID from the OUR (well, at least a good friend “sympathized” with me). The PHAN janitor returned it to me the following day.

I think I’ll enjoy Anthro class. My classmates seemed friendly and the teacher was no terror. Just faced with a dilemma on the Sagada trip or the long final exam.. hehe..

Was lucky that my STS class was under Dr. Arcilla (the TBA was freaking me out). Didn’t get to meet new people though, seemed like people were already in “groups”. After class, me and friends (car pool buddies) went to the mall. I got my picture taken and went grocery shopping.

I haven’t been able to visit my blog for a while, my dial-up (yup, dial-up) is busted, and the connection is as slow as it could go.

Anyway, I am psyched to start my thesis. Wait – I’ll take that back. I have a pile of broad sheets waiting to be clipped.


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